JCARA, Inc. Club Minutes - January 2016



Meeting called to Order by President, Marilyn, AF5DP
Prayer led by Chaplain, Chuck, N9RRI
Pledge of Allegiance led by Marilyn, AF5DP

No regular Program

The Club's Calendar of Events was discussed, with Membership involvement being stressed.  The events are listed on our Site. 

Officers Absent:  Past President Charlie, N2PKW (who came in late)

Quorum Declared

Sick Call:  Family of Carl, WU5D – Bereavement.  Collection by the Club will be taken, under New Business, to help offset the costs of Carl's funeral.

November Secretarial Report by Valeries, N9RQX: Motion to accept by Chuck, N9RRI; Seconded by Nick, K5BQJ;  Motion Carried. 

December Secretarial Report by Valeries, N9RQX: Motion to accept by Richard, AF5AQ;  Seconded by Nick, K5BQJ;  Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report by Larry, K5LGP;  Motion to Accept by Josh, KM4BWX;  Seconded by Kurt, K5KDO;  Motion Carried.

Visitors:  Alex, KD5UHM 

Old Business

1.  Winter Field Day:  Don, KA5DON said that Station K5TAL will be participating, starting at 11:00 AM, Saturday, January 30th and running 24 hours.  All are welcome!
2. Capital City Hamfest and the State ARRL Convention, in Jackson, MS. opening Friday, January 29th  at 4:00 PM and Saturday at 8:00 AM.
3.  President Marilyn, AF5DP asked for volunteers to give Programs at the Club Meetings.  Anyone interested, please see Vice President Chris, K5MOZ for scheduling.  Anyone interested on serving on a Committee, please see Chris.
4.  Repeater Committee:  Nick, K5BQJ spoke of Jim, K1VTY who was a great help with both Repeaters.  He shared with Nick and Rod, KC5LCW, three hours worth of technical information regarding the various aspects of Repeater Installations and what to look for, for safety violations.  Nick, K5BQJ asked the Net Controllers, when there is an emergency, to get contact information from operators, instead of asking them to QSY, if they had other than emergency messages.

New Business:

1.  March Meeting will be held March 22, 2016 due to Elections.
2.  “National Parks On The Air”  ARRL Sanctioned, mentioned by Van, WB5LAI. He said there were two different ways to enjoy this aspect of the Hobby and make lots of contacts at the same time.  One way is to be an Activator and the other way is to be a Chaser.
3.  QRM on the Repeater – Don't talk to them, just tell them to get off frequency and talk to them no more.  Don't carry on a conversation with them, otherwise you're in violation!
4.  “Passing The Hat” for Carl, WU5D.  After the collection, Hank, AE5WU made a Motion for the Club to make up the difference so the total would be $500.00; Seconded by Sandra, KE5FTH;  Motion Carried.

President Marilyn, AF5DP called for a Motion to Adjourn;  Motion Accepted by Nick, K5BQJ;  Seconded by Sandra, KE5FTH;  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Valerie N9RQX
JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary